Saturday, May 1, 2010

As Promised...PICTURES!!

Here are a few pics from April 26 (heart cath day).

Let The FUN Begin...

The Entertainer

Assuming The "ECHO Position"

This Is How It All Started...
(Jackson ended up with 10 tatoos by the time it was all said and done...
1.race car-R leg,2.dinosaur-R leg, leg, truck-R arm, 5.spider-man-L arm, 6-10. 5 little monkeys in a variety of colors dancing across his chest! Plus they drew smiley faces on both feet and big toes!)

Paintin' In The ATRIUM

Ahoy Matey!

Bob The Builder

Someone Was Hit By The SANDMAN!
(Did I mention that this child does not take naps, so how he managed to fall asleep in this setting is beyond me!)

High On LIFE (aka versed)

Back From The "Magical Place"

Good Mornin' Sunshine

Where Are They Taking Me!?!

Free At Last!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristin-
    Just wanted to check how Jackson is after having his fenestration closed. We are scheduled for July 28th. Would love to chat via email. Here is my email address Email me when you have a chance.

