Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just Monkeyin' Around

Well, it's been awhile since our last post and I'm happy to report that nothing exciting has been happening. We've been trying to lay low and avoid the Swine flu and any other nasty bugs floating around. We did take a family adventure to the good ol' Columbia zoo. We all had a blast! It was Jackson's first time here and Darrin and I had not been since elementary school many many moons ago!! We did make a trip to see the cardiologist this week, and got the word that Jackson is officially back to normal! Yippee!! Since the word "GO" he has been a bike-ridin', swing-swingin', bed-jumpin' fool!! (He's got a lot of time to make up for...8 weeks to be exact!!) We did have one more "first" this week. Today we went back to church as a family for the first time since surgery. Jackson was really excited! He has begged us every Sunday (and sometimes ended up in tears) for the past 8 weeks to go back to church. It felt great to be back! Here are some pictures from the zoo. Hope you enjoy...

Jackson, I mean, Monkey at work!

This was Jackson's favorite! (Not even an exhibit...just runnin' wild) He was absolutely fascinated with this squirrel. (Go figure! Guess we could've just stayed in the backyard instead of driving to Columbia!!)

"The BOYD exhibit"

This was probably the "big people" favorite. This is Darrin actually feeding the giraffes! Pretty cool, huh?!?

"WILD Man"

SHHHH!! Don't tell anyone you saw me riding a tiger.

Last but not least... My absolute favorite picture of the day!