Monday, March 14, 2011

Not Much To Tell...

Well, there's not a lot to tell and to be honest I like it that way! After all the excitement we had during Little Man's first couple of years, we kind of like dull and boring!! Jackson continues to love school! Every morning he asks "when do I get to go to school?".
He started ball practice about 2 weeks ago. Needless to say, it's a HUGE switch from last year! Last year was wee-ball...everyone runs the bases and ends up with a homerun and there are no real rules, they just stop the ball and call time. This year is coach's pitch. They actually play baseball! They pitch overhanded to them, after 3 pitches if they still can't hit the ball they hit off of the tee. They are catching pop-flys and ground balls, and actually holding a position and throwing it to the correct base to get the runner out. Craziness!!! Of course, we were not expecting things to be so "advanced" so...there has been a lot of practicing at home in addition to the 3 days a week that he practices with his team. Yes, I said they practice 3 days a week! He's in the MAJOR LEAGUE now! He's doing really well, he shows improvement with each practice. His first game will be April 9. We'll start off with the annual Hickory Tavern parade to kick off ball season then go staight to the field to play ball. He is so excited to get to be in the parade again this year!
Jackson continues to do really well from a "health" standpoint, he did have strep throat about 2 weeks ago...then I got it last week! I thought I was dying!! We go back to the cardiologist in May...we haven't seen him in a whole 6 months. We truly don't know what to do with ourselves! Jackson still only knows one gear and he keeps it in "high" all the time. It absolutely amazes us at how wide open he is...24/7!

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. jackson is an amazing courageous,strong and determined fighter. He is a brave warrior, smilen champ and an inspirationsl hero. I was born with a rare life threatening disease and I love it when people sign my guestbook.
