Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ethan Cole Greene
7lbs. 10oz. 19 3/4in.
born on
7/28/2009 at 2:28pm

Little Ethan entered this world today by c-section. Kim and the baby are both doing GREAT!! Everyone was extremely excited. You couldn't wipe the smile off of Nick or Emma's face. It's amazing how much Ethan and Emma (as a baby) look alike! Here are just a few of the special moments that we were able to capture. Enjoy!

Emma seeing Ethan for the 1st time.

Can we keep him?!?

I'm a BIG sister!

The PROUD Mama.

My Baby Brother.

Sleepin' Away.

The PROUD Papas.

Family Portrait.

What Have I Got Myself Into?!?


  1. Well, I must say that they make a beautiful family!! Emma looks sooo happy to have a little brother and what a gorgeous baby he is!! I hope that Kim is doing well and hope to see Ethan soon!

  2. Hannah is so happy for Emma. Beautiful family Kim.
    Sherry Wiles
