Well, we finally made it to 7c, which is one step closer to the front door! Jackson continues to do really well. The doctors are very impressed on how well he is doing. He still continues to have a fair amount of pain, because of this he is scared to move! We actually were having some urination issues. This morning he had only urinated one time since they pulled his foley catheter at approx. 1:00pm yesterday!. They scanned his bladder and found that there was approx. 300ml (approx. 10 oz) of urine in his bladder. We made him get up and go to the bathroom and...YEEAA! He was able to urinate! We did get him out of the room this afternoon. We put him in a wagon and rolled to the atrium (a HUGE playroom with everything that you could imagine in it!). Needless to say, he was NOT impressed!!
So, to sum him up...
1. He's still in a moderate amount of pain.
2. He no longer has to wear oxygen. (It was taken off this morning.)
3. He has 2 chest tubes, pacing wires (these are left in so that if his heart goes into a funky rhythm, they can connect him to an external pacemaker), and an iv in his hand.
4. He's connected to a portable heart monitor 24/7.
5. Did I mention that he is in a BAD MOOD!!(with good reason)
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. God has truly blessed us!!
Bringin' in the 4th
"Boppin' up and down in my little red wagon!"
I don't think that we need a mood ring to figure this one out!!
Are we there yet?