We're new at this blogging thing, but we thought it would be a good way for you to keep up with Jackson especially when he has his surgery. With all that said, Jackson did have a heart catherization March 17. He did really well! They did find 2 things that weren't expected. The first thing they found is called a collateral vessel. This is a vessel that commonly forms in kids with Jackson's kind of circulation due to the higher pressures in his heart. (Remember, they have "rerouted the plumbing" in his heart, so the pressures in his heart are different than ours.) Theses vessels form kind of like branches off of a limb. They are bad for Jackson because they do carry their own blood supply which causes his oxygen levels to drop. They closed this vessel off with 4 occlusive devices. The 2nd thing that they found is that the mitral valve in his heart (this is the valve between the top and bottom half of the heart) is too narrow to compensate for all of the blood that has to pass through. Over time this will cause the pressures in his heart to increase even higher which can cause a whole mess of other problems which we don't need! To fix this problem the doctors will cut out the wall between the 2 top chambers to allow a larger space for the blood to go. This process will be done during his 3rd surgery. We have been reassured by the doctors at MUSC and home that his is not a big deal. This process will take Jackson from a 3 chamber heart to a 2 chamber heart! And finally, DRUMROLL PLEASE...Jackson's surgery is set for May 29, 2009! Please continue to remember us in your prayers. I'll try and update occasionally b/t now and May 29, but we will update at least daily while we are in Charleston. To be continued...Jackson showing off his new bracelet.
Killin' time
This picture actually has a funny story to go with it. They gave Jackson some versed before they took him back to help with separation anxiety from us. Needless to say he was DRUNK AS A SKUNK!! Wish we had video of it. Priceless!!
Over and done with and still SMILIN'!!
See ya later!